ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
3-4. General Use of CDU. - Continued
Select TIME SET field
TIME SET: 14:38:22
Clear field
TIME SET: 00:00:00
Enter 1
Press 1
TIME SET: 00:00:01
Enter 6
Press 6
TIME SET: 00:00:16
Enter 3
Press 3
TIME SET: 00:01:63
Enter 9
Press 9
TIME SET: 00:16:39
Enter 0
Press 0
TIME SET: 01:63:90
Enter 6 (Error)
Press 6
TIME SET: 16:39:06
Clear erroneous 6
TIME SET: 01:63:90
Enter 0
Press 0
TIME SET: 16:39:00
(9) Navigation between pages - All other pages can be reached from three main pages: MENU, MAP, and
NAVIGATION AID. Any page can be exited by pressing F9 until MENU is reached.
The mission begins with pre-turn-on checks and services, followed by configuration and initialization. Next,
IPADS is updated using the position and altitude update procedure. IPADS then performs a series of marks,
where position, altitude, and azimuth are recorded. You can end a mission by performing an update, data recall,
or shutdown. Table 3-4 references paragraphs where mission phases are explained in detail. If a malfunction
IPADS CDU can be configured for normal operation, or two training
modes. One of the training modes uses a complete IPADS, and the other
only requires the CDU or desktop (emulator). Procedures below are for
normal operation or training with a complete IPADS. See paragraph 3-35
for emulator operation (without CPNU).
Points created using the normal operation mode will not be available in the
training modes, and vice versa.
Switching from normal operation mode to the training modes requires
operator confirmation. Upon confirmation, CDU will be shut down.
Recycle power using the BCU OUTPUT switch.
When changing from training modes to normal operation mode the
time/date will not restore to the normal operation mode.
3-6. Turn On
and Turn Off Sequences.
Turn On Sequence. Perform the following steps to turn on IPADS:
(1) Set BCU power input switch (DC INPUT) to ON to apply power to IPADS, figure 3-7.
(2) Set BCU power output switch (OUTPUT) to ON to turn on IPADS, figure 3-7. CDU power indicator