TB 1-4920-443-35
52. Engine Torque
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect the voltage source to pins 10 (+) and 11 (-) on E1 harness. With zero voltage input, the
reading for engine torque on the vertical scale indicator and QEng should be zero. Adjust zero
indicator for zero reading if necessary. Adjust the voltage source for 8 V dc 0.01 V dc. The vertical
scale indicator should read 800 2 FT/LBS. Adjust the span for 800 FT/LBS indication. Repeat 0 V
dc and 8 V dc until no further adjustments are necessary. Record results.
Table 52-1 Engine Torque
Eng Torque
Vertical Scale
Eng Torque
Ft Lbs
Indicator 1 ft lbs
In Lbs
6 in lbs
0 V dc
0 ft lbs
0 in lbs
2 V dc
200 ft lbs
2400 in lbs
4 V dc
400 ft lbs
4800 in lbs
6 V dc
600 ft lbs
7200 in lbs
8 V dc
800 ft lbs
9600 in lbs
10 V dc
1000 ft lbs
12000 in lbs
For AEDATS II Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H345-1) Technical Manual, Appendix C and
for AEDATS IV Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H355-7) Technical Manual. Chapter 6.
AEDATS Alignment Qeng - See Calibration of Automatic Data Acquisition H345-1
(AEDATS II), or H355-7 (AEDATS IV) for FEDS Alignment requirements.
53. Torque Measurement System
a. Performance Check (T53/T55/T63/T64)
(1) Turn on POWER to T53/T55/T63/T64 Performance Monitoring System. Allow system to conduct built-
in test (BIT). If BIT fails, refer to troubleshooting procedures for system. Send Performance
Monitoring System to DEPOT for repairs, if necessary.
(2) Depress the MODE switch twice. The test mode should indicate V=
0.0. Using a
multimeter, verify a
0.0 20 mV dc reading in cabinet TB609, 1(+) and 2(-). If test fails, refer to troubleshooting
procedures for system. Send Performance Monitoring System to DEPOT for repairs, if necessary.
Verify a 0.0 4 in-lbs torque reading on the AEDATS.
(3) Depress the MODE switch once. The test mode should indicate V=
9.497. Using a
multimeter, verify
the voltage (9.497 VV dc 20 mV dc) in cabinet TB609, 1(+) and 2(-). If test fails, refer to
troubleshooting procedures for system. Send Performance Monitoring System to DEPOT for repairs,
if necessary. Verify a 18944 (For T55-712 Eng) 4 in-lbs. Verify a 22793 (For T55-714/T64 engine)
4 in-lbs torque indication on the AEDATS.
(4) If
necessary, for alignment of
AEDATS, see Calibration of
Automatic Data Acquisition H345-1
(AEDATS II), or H355-7 (AEDATS IV) for FEDS Alignment requirements, using the V = 0 and V =
9.497 test modes to drive the AEDATS.