TB 1-4920-443-35
For AEDATS II Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H345-1) Technical Manual, Appendix C
and for AEDATS IV Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H355-7) Technical Manual. Chapter
AEDATS Alignment RPM1 - See Calibration of Automatic Data Acquisition H345-1 (AEDATS
II), or H355-7 (AEDATS IV) for FEDS Alignment requirements.
50. T64 Power Turbine (Nf) Speed Indicator
a. Performance Check
(1) Turn on POWER to T53/T55/T63/T64 Performance Monitoring System. Allow system to conduct built-
in test (BIT). If BIT fails, refer to system troubleshooting. Send Performance Monitoring System to
depot for repair, if necessary.
(2) Depress the MODE switch once. The test mode should indicate a 0 Hz reading.
Frequency can be varied on the back of the Limit Control Panel, terminal strip locations 1
and 2. The frequency can also be verified using the speed limit indication on the Limit
Control Panel if speed Limit Control Panel has already been calibrated. Reading should be
010 Hz.
(3) Set the TI Calculating Counter controls (Channel 2) as follows:
Table 50-1 TI Calculating Counter Controls
CH2 10 Period
CH2 Auto
CH2 x10
(4) TI Calculating Counter should read 0 0.3; the AEDATS should indicate 0.0 .1% and the Nf
analog/digital gage should indicate 0.0 0.3% . Adjust the analog/gage indicator low (ZERO)
potentiometers (R18 for digital and R20 for analog) as necessary.
(5) Depress the MODE switch once on the Performance Measuring System. The test MODE should be in
the 512 Hz test position. Verify frequency on the Limit Control Panel (512 10Hz) or on terminal strip
(1,2) on the back of the Limit Control Panel if the Limit Control Panel was not previously calibrated.
(6) TI Calculating Counter should indicate 56.5 0.3%. The AEDATS should indicate 56.5 0.1%. The
analog/digital gage should indicate 56.5 0.3%. Adjust the analog/digital gage high (SPAN)
potentiometer as necessary (R23 for digital and R29 for analog).
(7) If Calculating Counter is out of specification, send it to Depot for repairs.
(8) If
necessary for alignment of
AEDATS, see Calibration of
Automatic Data Acquisition H345-1
(AEDATS II), or H355-7 (AEDATS IV) for FEDS Alignment requirements, using the 0 Hz and 512 Hz
modes on the Performance Monitoring Panel to drive the AEDATS.
(9) Disconnect cable p/n 20090761-1 from the torque sensor cable on
T64 dynamometer. Using a
function generator, input the following frequencies on pins A (+) and B (-) of connector P70). Verify
correct speed indications using the AEDATS. Record results.
This step is to verify proper operation of the Performance Monitoring System.