TM 5-3610-253-14
(14) Remove main frame from crate and position onto mounting frame. Using a
level, check that the frame is level. If necessary, place shims under the right
or left pillar as needed. Then secure in place with mounting bolts.
(15) Check carefully that all parts have been removed from the box.
b. This crate can be used to ship the defective paper cutter and should not be
5-33.1 Checking Unpacked Equipment.
Inspect all parts of the equipment for damage incurred during shipment. If
the equipment has been damaged, report the damage on DD Form 6, Packi ng Improvement
b. Check the equipment against the packing list to see if the shi pment is
complete. Report all discrepancies in accordance with the instructions of DA Pam
Check to see whether the equipment has been modified.
5-33.2 Deprocessing Unpacked Equipment.
a. The following sequence of steps are used to complete the assembly of the
paper cutter.
(1) Remove the rear electronics enclosure cover.
Install the clamp foot pedal.
Remove all rust protection film and dirt from table surfaces.