TB 1-4920-443-35
(1) Locate differential pressure switch 10PS, which is mounted to the Engine Oil Tank in the doghouse of
the Fuel Skid. This pressure switch has a fixed set-point in the 2 to 13 psid range, with a deadband of
1.5 PSI.
(2) Disconnect the lines running to the low and high-pressure ports of the pressure switch.
(3) Leave the low side of the pressure switch vented to atmosphere. Connect the High Pressure
Calibrator to the high pressure port of the pressure switch.
(4) The Lube Filter Bypass indicator should be extinguished. Slowly increase the pressure. The Lube
Filter Bypass indicator should light in the range of 7 1 psig on increasing pressure.
(5) Remove the test equipment. Reconnect the lines removed in step 1 above. Leak check these
T64 10PS located at filter, after tank outside of large test trailer
Fuel Pressure
(1) Disconnect the hose connected to J-box pressure switch 18PS. The Low Fuel Press indicator should
be illuminated.
(2) Connect the High Pressure Calibrator to J-box pressure switch 18 PS. Increase the pressure to 12
psig. The Low Fuel press indicator should be extinguished.
(3) Slowly decrease the pressure. At approximately 8 1 psig on decreasing pressure the Low Fuel press
indicator should light.
(4) Disconnect the test equipment. Reconnect the hose removed in step a above. Leak check this
Low Oil Pressure
(1) Disconnect the hose connected to J-box pressure switch 15 PS. The Low Oil Press indicator should
be illuminated.
(2) Connect the High Pressure Calibrator to J-box pressure switch 15 PS. Increase the pressure to 30
psig. The Low Oil Press indicator should be extinguished.
(3) Slowly bleed off the pressure. At approximately 25 1 psig, on decreasing pressure, the Low Oil
Press indicator should light.
(4) Remove the test equipment. Reconnect the hose removed in step 1 above. Leak check this
k. Dyno Low Oil Pressure Aft
(1) Remove the hose connected to J-box pressure switch 16 PS. The Low Oil Press Aft 6PS/16PS
indicator should be illuminated.
(2) Connect the High Pressure Calibrator to J-box pressure switch 16 PS. Increase the pressure to 15
psig. The Low Oil Press Aft 6PS/16PS indicator should be extinguished.
(3) Slowly bleed off the pressure. At approximately 10.5 .5 psig, on decreasing pressure, the Low Oil
Press Aft 6PS/16PS indicator should light.
Low Oil Level - T53/T63/T64
(1) Ensure that either the T53 Flight Harness, 20090775-1, the T63 Flight Harness, 20090777-1, or the
T64 Flight Harness is connected to connector J655 of the J-box.
(2) The Low Oil Level indicator should be extinguished. This indicator will illuminate when the oil level in
the Engine Oil Tank (on the Fuel Skid) reaches a low level. This can be observed when draining the
oil system.
(3) The above situation can be electrically simulated. Access the Fuel Skid J-box, and jumper TB206(5)
and TB206(6). The Low Oil Level indicator should light. For T64, TB206(5) and TB206(6) are located
on the engine test trailer.
m. Low Oil Level - T55
(1) Ensure that the T55 Flight Harness, 20090776-1, is connected to connector J655 on the J-box.
(2) The Low Oil Level indicator should be extinguished. Locate the engine mating connector of Flight
Harness 20090776-1. Short pin A to ground. The Low Oil Level indicator should light.