TB 1-4920-443-35
pressure side (supply side).
(5) Apply pressure, increasing from Zero, do not exceed 10 psig. The Skid Fuel Filter Bypass indicator
should light on increasing pressure in the range of 1 to 10 psig.
(6) Remove all test equipment and re-connect the system. Make sure to perform leak checks.
Dynolube Filter delta-P T-700
(1) The Dynolube Filter delta-P switch is factory set by the Air Dynamometer manufacturer. To simulate a
Dynolube Filter Bypass condition, jumper pins L and K on connector J73 of cable 981AS615-1. The
Lube Filter Bypass indicator in the Air Dyno section of the Fault Light panel should light.
Dynolube Tank Low Level T-700
(1) The Low Oil Level indicator will light when the dynolube tank is low on oil. This can be observed when
changing the oil on the dynolube system.
(2) The above condition can be simulated by jumping pins M and N of connector J73 of cable 981AS615-
k. Dyno Low Oil Pressure Forward T-700
(1) Locate the pressure switch labeled 5PS on the J-box. Disconnect the existing hose, and connect the
high-pressure calibrator.
(2) Apply 15 2 psig to the pressure switch. The Low Oil Press Fwd 5PS/17PS indicator on the Fault
Light panel should be extinguished.
(3) Slowly bleed the pressure off the pressure switch. The Low Oil Press Fwd 5PS/17PS indicator should
light at 10.5 .5 psig on decreasing pressure.
(4) Disconnect the test equipment and reconnect the hose removed in step 1 above.
Dyno Low Oil Pressure Aft T-700
(6) Locate the pressure switch labeled 6PS on the J-box. Disconnect the existing hose, and connect the
high-pressure calibrator.
(7) Apply 15 2 psig to the pressure switch. The Low Oil Press Fwd 6PS indicator on the Fault Light
panel should be extinguished.
(8) Slowly bleed the pressure off the pressure switch. The Low Oil Press Fwd 5PS indicator should light
at 10.5 .5 psig on decreasing pressure.
(9) Disconnect the test equipment and reconnect the hose removed in step 1 above.
m. Engine Oil Filter delta-P T-700
(1) Locate connector E3 of the Flight Harness, 981AS623-1. Jumper pins 13 and 14, the Lube Filter
Bypass indicator in the Engine section of the Fault Light panel should light.
n. Low Fuel Pressure
(1) Locate connector E3 of the Flight Harness, 981AS623-1. Jumper pins 23 and 24, the Low Fuel Press
indicator in the Engine section of the Fault Light panel should light.
o. Engine Low Oil Pressure
(1) The Low Oil Press indicator in the Engine section of the Fault Light panel should be illuminated.
(2) Disconnect the hoses connected to pressure switches 3PS (B) on the J-box.
(3) Connect 3PS (B) to the High Pressure calibrator.
(4) Apply a pressure of 30 psig. The Low Oil Press indicator in the Engine section of the Fault Light panel
should go out.
(5) Slowly decrease pressure, light should light on decreasing pressure at 252.