TB 1-4920-443-35
Table 45-7 PT101 Alignment
Pressure (In Hg)
Calibrator Pressure
Vertical Scale
BARO 0.05 (In Hg)
Bottom Row #9
Indicator (0.25)
See Note below
For AEDATS II Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H345-1) Technical Manual, Appendix C and
for AEDATS IV Channel names, refer to AEDATS (H355-7) Technical Manual. Chapter 6.
AEDATS Alignment PT101 - See Calibration of Automatic Data Acquisition H345-1
(AEDATS II), or H355-7 (AEDATS IV) for FEDS Alignment requirements.
46. BSUMP Scavenge Pressure Indicator
a. Performance Check
(1) Without Engine Mounted
(a) Procure an engine oil transducer (P/N 418-10054).
(b) Alternate connection if engine is not installed with E3 cable.
(c) Jump pins 1 to 7
(d) Jump pins 2 to 6
(e) Jump Pins 3 to 5
(f) Connect the low pressure calibrator directly to the transducer. On touch screen, turn on 400Hz
power. Apply the following pressures and record the results.
(2) With Engine Mounted
(a) Procure an engine oil transducer (P/N 418-10054) and connect green cable connector.
(b) No jumper's required
(c) Connect the low pressure calibrator directly to the transducer. On touch screen, turn on 400Hz
power. Apply the following pressures and record the results
Table 46-1 Scavenge Pressure Indication
Applied pressure PSIG
Indicator Pressure 10 PSI (Digital)