ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
3-12. Initialization, Hot Start.
IPADS must be initialized on a firm surface. Alignment failure can result from
vehicle movement on soft surfaces such as mud, snow, or ice, and shocks caused
by operator movement or wind gusts. Operator should ensure vehicle is off and
stand clear of vehicle during alignment. Face vehicle into high winds and block
IPADS should be left running even if the vehicle must be turned off. Hot start
should only be used when it is absolutely necessary to shut down IPADS.
IPADS must be initialized before it can survey. Two types of initialization are used, "normal" and "hot
start." To save time, IPADS tries a "hot start" using position and azimuth stored at last shutdown. If
IPADS senses motion since the last shutdown, it automatically switches to normal initialization where
IPADS automatically aligns after operator enters approximate IPADS position.
Initialization site must have a firm surface. Site horizontal position coordinates should be known to 100
meters. Initialization takes 10-20 minutes depending upon temperature and latitude of operation.
During initialization of the IPADS, the alignment countdown should appear in
the upper left-hand corner of the control and display unit (CDU). If the
alignment countdown does not appear in the upper left-hand corner, turn IPADS
off and then back on. If this does not clear the problem, go to paragraph 4-6,
Operator Troubleshooting.
(1) With the IPADS operating in the survey mode, close and adjust the current survey, if
a suitable high order SCP is available. If a high order SCP is not available, it is not
necessary to close and adjust prior to shut down, but it is imperative not to move the
vehicle after shutdown, in order to allow the IPADS to maintain the mission after
power-up until a high order SCP is reached for mission closure.
(2) With vehicle parked at a suitable site, apply emergency/parking brake and perform a
single mark recording at the marked coordinates. With the operator outside the
vehicle, power down the IPADS.
(3) Do not allow excessive movement into or out of the vehicle. Excessive movement
can interfere with Hot Start even with the system off.
d. Conducting operations.
(1) Without moving or getting into the vehicle, turn on the vehicle and power up IPADS.
(2) IPADS will internally and automatically check if a hot start is possible.
(a) If IPADS can conduct a hot start it will automatically align using the last stored
survey position and direction stored in the database.
(b) If IPADS cannot conduct a hot start and the operator is certain that the vehicle
was not moved, while in the UPDATE page the operator can press F8 to
confirm the previous position.
(c) If the IPADS cannot conduct a hot start because the vehicle was moved, the
operator must perform a normal initialization using the coordinates from the
mark conducted in step 3-12c(1), then update at a known SCP.