TM 9-1290-357-15
i. Install the clamping shoes (6) inside end
e. Install shoe (15) on worm (20) and secure
piece (2).
index plate (14) to shoe (15) with screw (13).
j. Install screws (5) in end piece (2) and
f. Install adapter (11) on worm (20), and in-
stall a pin (12) in each hole in the worm and
adapter. Drive in pin.
k. Apply optical lens sealing compound to gas-
ket (4) and position gasket on body (3).
(8) on worm (20). Secure these components to
l. Position end piece (2) on body (3) and se-
the adapter (11 ) with screws (7).
cure end piece to body with screws (1).
h. Install special setscrew (5) in hole of socket
Note. Prior to securing end piece it may be necessary
(6), and setscrew (3) in hole of cap (4). Tighten
to sight into a collimating telescope held in front of the
magnifier assembly and note if the etched lines on the
reticle (9) are sharp and clear. If not clear, adjust the
i. Install cap (4) into body (21).
magnifier assembly by screwing the magnifier assembly
in or out. Adjust the reticle for declination after the
j. Install knob (2) in worm (20) making cer-
aiming circle is completely assembled.
tain that the associated holes are in alinement
m. Place a small amount of schellac varnish
with each other.
on the edge of the magnifier assembly (10).
k. Install pin (1) in hole and drive in pin.
n. Place the magnifier assembly (10) in end
piece (2) and using tubular wrench 5120345
5-43. Assembly of Magnetic Needle
1381 tighten the magnifier assembly.
Magnifier Assembly
Note. Item
numbers shown below refer to
figure B7,
5-44. Assembly of
Circular Level Assembly
Note. Item
numbers shown below refer to
figure B5,
a. Place a small amount of synthetic paint
around the corner of the cell (2) where the lens
seats and around the inner edge of the front
a. Install washer (4) and vial (5) inside sup-
separator. Also paint threads of cell.
port (3).
Note. Make certain that all areas are clean before
b. Screw support to the cap (2).
applying paint.
c. Install the three screws (1).
b. Place a small amount of optical lens sealing
compound on inner edges of separator (3).
Note. Item
numbers shown below refer to
figure B4,
c. Carefully position lens (1) one at a time on
d. Place washer (15) on level assembly (14)
separator (3) and place them into their seating
and screw assembly into body (11).
e. Place the body (11) on a level surface plate
d. Install the separators (3) with lens (1)
and adjust the three screws alternately, until bub-
into cell (2).
ble in the level is concentric with the etched lines
Note. Item
numbers shown below refer to
figure B6,
on the top of the vial.
e. Screw magnifier assembly (10) into the end
5-45. Assembly of Magnetic
piece (2) and tighten.
Body Assembly and Associated Parts
f. Place a small amount of cement on the dove-
Note. Item
numbers shown below refer to
figure B4,
tail slot in the holder (8) and install the reticle
(9) in slot on holder.
a. Place dial (10) on body (11) in position
Note. Finished edge of the reticle must reach the top
of the holder when installed.
b. Install screws (12) in dial holes, and tighten
Install holder (8) with reticle (9) in end
screws securing dial to the body.
piece (2).
c. If pivot (13) has been removed install pi-
h. Install setscrews (7) in end piece (2).
vot using a brass driving pin.