TM 9-1290-357-15
c. Screw the leg shoe (6) on the lower tripod
leg (2) and install the flat head screw (5).
a. Remove all corrosion, nicks or burrs (refer
d. Install clamping screw (3) in the leg clamp
to TM 9-254).
(4) mounted on lower tripod leg (2).
b. Replace cross threaded, stripped, or badly
e. Screw round nut (1) on clamping screw (3).
damaged screws.
f. Screw hinge (10) m the upper tripod as-
c. If possible, straighten and repair any bent
sembly (8).
or deformed component.
d. Repair bare spots or damaged finish.
e. Replace any gear with damaged teeth.
g. Install hinge pin (6).
f. Straighten worms that are bent, if possible,
h. Install round nut (5) until hinge tension is
and replace if worm cannot be straightened or if
great enough to hold leg horizontally.
too badly damaged.
i. Secure with cone point screw (4).
g. Any lenses, windows, prisms, etc. with ex-
cessive scratches, pits, digs, chips shall be cor-
rected or component replaced.
j. Install spindle bearing (7) into support tube
h. Any leads, cables, wires, contact terminals,
etc., which are damaged beyond repair shall be
k. Install clamping screw (5) in spindle socket
i. Replace any component which is excessively
worn or badly damaged.
l. Screw on round
head nut
(4) and
solder in
Note. In addition to instructions listed above utilize the
m. Install spindle (3) in the spindle socket (2).
n. Place spindle socket (2) over spindle bear-
532. Assembly of Instrument
light M2
ing (7) and install round head screw (1).
a. Install lamp (9) into long wire lead (11)
and secure cap (10) to long wire lead (11).
o. Install support tube (2) into tripod head
(B19, 3).
b. Install lamp (9) into wire lead and cable
p. Install clamping screw (B19, 2) into tripod
assembly (8).
head (B19, 3) and install round nut (B19, 1) on
c. Connect wire lead and cable assembly (8)
screw (B19, 3). Tighten screw and nut.
to bracket assembly (7).
q. Install support tube (2) in tripod head (3)
d. Install battery (6) in case (3).
and install plug (1) in support tube.
e. Install spring (5).
5-34. Assembly of Objective cell Assembly
f. Install cap (4) securing spring (5) and bat-
tery (6) inside case (3).
a. Apply a small amount of lens sealing com-
5-33. Assembly of Tripod M5
pound in two or three spots around the inside
of cell (2).
Caution: Do not apply an excessive amount of
a. Slide lower tripod leg (2) over the upper
compound around inside of cell which may cause
tripod leg assembly (8) and secure with screw
damage to the cell.
b. Install lens (3) inside (cell (2) alining id-
b. Install lower
leg collar (7) and
solder in