TM 9-1290-357-15
b. Place a scribe mark on cell (2) to line up
rubber cement has been used to stake prisms remove
cement with rubber solvent.
with crossline on reticle (3).
b. Remove and retain porro prisms (2).
c. Using lens tissue paper between the fingers,
apply a slight pressure to free the reticle (3)
c. Only if damaged, remove and replace tubu-
from the cell (2).
lar level vial as listed in (1) through (3) below:
Caution: Reticle is not sealed in the cell, how-
(1) Remove the two setscrews (4).
ever, exercise care when pushing out the reticle
(2) Unscrew and remove plugs (5).
as it may become chipped if allowed to tilt.
(3) Using a small piece of shim stock (or
equivalent), remove the cal--cined gypsum (plas-
522. Disassembly of
Objective Assembly
ter of paris) from around the vial (6) and remove
damaged vial from body assembly (3).
d. Remove window (7) and detent (8) only
a. Loosen headless screw (1).
if defective.
b. Using tubular wrench 5120-345-1393 un-
screw retaining ring (2) and remove adapter (3).
519. Disassembly of Eyepiece Assembly
Note. It may be necessary to apply heat to soften the
optical lens sealing compound to release adapter from
front cover.
a. Remove headless setscrew (7) which locks
c. Remove headless screw (1) and remove cell
eyepiece assembly (5) to cover (4). Unscrew
assembly (4) from cover (5).
and remove the eyepiece assembly.
523. Disassembly of Objective
b. Remove the special screw (1) from the fo-
cusing sleeve (2).
a. Clean away as much of the sealing com-
c. Remove the focusing sleeve (2) from lens
pound as practical from the cell assembly by
cell assembly (3).
heating slightly or with ethyl alcohol.
d. Using tubular wrench 51203451384 re-
b. Unscrew and remove retainer (1) from cell
move the retaining ring (4) from reticle assembly
(5) to adapter (6). Remove reticle assembly (5)
from adapter.
c. Using lens tissue paper between the fingers
apply slight pressure to free the objecitve lens
5-20. Disassembly of Lens
Cell Assembly
c above.
Note. Place an identification mark on the edge of the
lens and cell to insure the same positioning upon assembly.
Using tubular wrench 51203451388 un-
screw retaining ring (1).
524. Disassembly of Tripod M5
b. Remove the eyelenses (2), and separator
(3), from cell (4).
Note. It may be necessary to apply heat to soften the
a. Remove plug (1) from support tube (2)
optical lens sealing compound.
and tripod head (3).
5-21. Disassembly of Reticle Assembly
Note. If plug head is larger than support tube, it should
be turned down to 0.920.010 inch and knurled with a
coarse knurl.
Using tubular wrench 51203451384, un-
screw and remove retaining ring (1) from cell
b. Holding the round nut (1) with plier loosen