TM 9-1290-357-15
c. Apply a small amount of optical lens seal-
537. Assembly of
Lens Cell Assembly
ing compound on the inside of the cell (2) and
install and secure retainer (1) tightly.
a. Apply a small amount of optical lens seal-
5-35. Assembly of
Objective Assembly
ing compound on outside of eyelens (2) and seal
lens in place on each side of the separators (3).
b. I n s t a l l l e n s ( 2 ) a n d s e p a r a t o r ( 3 ) i n s i d e
a. Place a small amount of lens sealing com-
cell (4).
pound inside the front cover (5) where the adap-
c. Install retailing ring (1) and tighten using
ter (3) fits.
tubular wrench 5120345-1388.
b. Install adapter (3) inside front cover (5)
rotating adapter until the holes in the adapter and
538. Assembly of
Eyepiece Assembly
f r o n t cover are in alinement. Install screws (1)
in holes.
c. Install retaining ring (2) in front cover (5)
a. Apply a small amount of instrument lubri-
and tighten using tubular wrench 51203451393;
cating grease on the inside and outside of adap-
stake the ring.
ter (6).
b. Slide cell assembly (3) into adapter (6).
d. Install cell assembly (4).
c. Assemble the focusing sleeve (2) to the cell
Note. Check for parallax after the optical system has
been installed and if necessary, rotate the objective cell
assembly (3).
to eliminate parallax and tighten headless screw (1).
Note. The hole in the adapter must be in alinement
with the reticle illuminating window.
5-36. Assembly of
Reticle Assembly
d. Install special screw (1) alining screw with
h o l e in focusing sleeve (2), cell assembly (3),
and reticle assembly (5).
a. Using lens tissue paper between fingers
e. Check the operation of the focusing sleeve.
s l i g h t l y press reticle (fig. B15, 3) into cell (2),
m a k i n g certain that identification marks indi-
Note. Turn the focusing sleeve (2) in or out from the
center of movement to obtain clear definition. If it is neces-
horizontal line of the reticle alines with the slot
sary, move the cell assembly (3) towards the reticle (5)
by placing a shim or shims on a fine layer of optical lens
in the cell.
sealing compound between the shoulder of the cell and the
eyelens (fig, B14, 2) If it is necessary to turn the focusing
b. Install retaining ring
(fig. B15, 1)
sleeve cut to obtain clear definition, remove any shims
tubular wrench 51203451384.
that may be present, drill and tap a new hole for the
special screw, and install the screw. The focusing sleeve
must b~ in the cent x of its movement within a tolerance
e y e p i e c e adapter (fig. B13, 6) and make certain
of 0.06 when the reticle is sharp and clear.
t h a t the etched surface of the reticle and ring
Note. When checking the operation of the sleeve refer
5-39. Assembly of
Telescope Assembly
d. I n s t a l l t h e r e t a i n i n g r i n g
( f i g . B 1 3 , 4 )
which holds the reticle cell assembly in the eye-
N o t e . Item numbers shown below refer to
figure B12,
e. Check the verticality of the reticle after the
Assemble the tubular vial and prism in the body
o p t i c a l cell has been installed. To remove tilt,
assembly as listed in a through h b e l o w .
rotate the reticle cell (fig. B15, 2) with face span-
a. Place components in a convenient working
ner wrench 51205958996 while holding the eye-
piece adapter (fig. B13, 6) in place, then tighten
t h e retaining ring (fig. B13, 4) with tubular
b. Install vita (6) in telescope body assembly