quired as listed in (1) and (2) below.
wiring throughout its length. Flickering indicates
loose connection or broken wire. Batteries should
(1) Standing tripod in an upright position,
be clean and free of bulges or exudation and
extend one leg assembly to the limit of its move-
should have charge. Lamps should light when
ment raising the leg to a horizontal position and
tested with battery.
then releasing it.
(2) The hinge tension should be great
enough to just hold the leg horizontally. Repeat
Check the carrying case for general appearance.
this operation with the other two legs.
Check all leather, metal, and wood components
and straps and buckles and make sure they are
5-61. Instrument Light M2
clean and free of corrosion, rot, mold, tears, bro-
ken stitching, breaks, or loose paint. Examine all
support pads in the carrying case for rigidity
Remove the top half of the carrying case cover
and condition of the leather. Check the carrying
and check to see that spring clamps are painted
case lid to see that it s not bent out-of-round,
and undistorted in shape. See that the snap on
that it can be easily removed, and will hold all
the bulb case functions and is free of corrosion.
contents without damage.
Examine the insulation on the wiring for bare
5-63. Aiming
Circle Cover M409
battery case, both lamps in the sockets pro-
vided and turn on the switch. Make sure both
Check the canvas cover and make sure that it is
lamps are lit and remain lit while flexing the
free of mold, breaks, tears, or loose stitching.