6 - 6 . 2 . 2 8 D i v e r g i n g Volume Runs
Use Merging Volume Runs (para 6-6.2.27) to begin procedure
for Diverging Volume Runs. Follow steps a through n.
b .
Trace boundary line of contour.
Stop when you reach
s t a r t i n g p o i n t .
c .
Move up or down contours until you reach last contour before
s p l i t ( d i v e r g i n g v o l u m e ).
d .
Position planimeter to measure first contour adjacent to
d i v e r g i n g c u t .
e .
Trace boundary of first contour.
Press and hold down foot
switch to reposition planimeter over adjacent contour area.
In contour map, example of diverging-cut
ridge, area is elevation where features of
object diverge into two volumes.
Contours adjacent to diverging cut represent
independent portions of total volume of object .
Each contour must be measured at each elevation
interval. Total counts must be entered before
PRINT command to prevent negative volume of cut
being added to total.