6 - 6 . 2 . 2 9 V e r t i c a l C r o s s S e c t i o ns
a. Assemble QPS with planimeter.
b .
Acivate QPS:
( 1 )
( 2)
( 3)
( 4)
( 5)
( 6)
( 7 )
( 8 )
( 9 )
( 1 1)
( 1 2)
( 1 3)
( 1 4)
( 1 5)
Plug foot switch into ACCU input jack on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r .
Plug remote tracer switch into PRINT input jack on
back panel of auto-scaler.
Plug planimeter into E2 encoder socket on back panel
o f a u t o - s c a l e r.
Plug power transformer cable into POWER supply jack on
back panel of auto-scaler.
Plug power transformer cable into wall outlet.
Plug power cord into back of calculator .
Plug power cord into wall outlet .
Set encoder OFF/E2 / E1 switch on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r t o E2 .
Set AUDIO/OFF switch on back panel of auto-scaler to
Set auto-scaler B/ACCU/A/OFF switch to A.
Set auto-scaler MAN/AUTO switch to MAN.
Set auto-scaler X MEMORY switch to 1.
Set calculator OFF/ON switch to ON.
Set calculator MAN/TRACE/NORM switch to NORM.
Set calculator PRGM/RUN switch to RUN.
Press following keys:
Hold magnetic cards by edge.
Be sure hands
a r e c l e a n . G r e a s e , o i l , o r o t h e r m a t e r i a ls
can damage magnetic cards.