6-6.2.23 Layout Work With Linear Measuring Probe - Continued
q .
r .
s .
P r e s s,
then release foot switch to initiate Print command.
Position linear measuring probe on layout sheet at beginning
of line just measured.
Press pricking pin.
Press CLEAR button to clear auto-scaler.
Using a straightedge as a guide, move linear measuring probe
until auto-scaler LED display shows count total identical to
previously measured line.
When LED display shows the same count, stop linear measuring
P r e s s p r i c k i n g p i n.
Pricking pin marks identify beginning and end
o f l i n e s b e i n g l a i d o u t .
For each new line,
repeat steps g through q.
To change scale or function, press 151 t o i n i t i a t e
calculator memory.
6-6.2.24 Linear Measuring Probe Measurements Without the Calculator
a. Assemble the QPS with the linear measuring probe.
b .
Activate QPS:
(1) Plug foot switch into ACCU input jack on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r .
(2) Plug linear measuring probe into E1 e n c o d e r s o c k e t on
back panel of auto-scaler .
(3) Plug power transformer cable into POWER supply jack on
back panel of auto-scaler.
( 4 ) P l u g p o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r c a b l e i n t o w a l l o u t l e t .
(5) Plug power cord into back of calculator.
( 6 ) P l u g p o w e r c o r d i n t o w a l l o u t l e t.
(7) Set encoder OFF/E2 / E1 switch on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r t o E1 .