6-6.2.23 Layout Work With Linear Measuring Probe - Continued
(15) Set calculator PRGM/RUN switch to RUN.
( 1 6 ) P r e s s f o l l o w i n g k e y s :
Hold magnetic cards by edge.
Be sure hands are
Grease , o i l , o r o t h e r m a t e r i a l s c an
damage magnetic cards.
c. Load preprogrammed magnetic card (para 6-6.2.10), Program I,
i n t o c a l c u l a t o r.
Tape drawing or map to be measured and paper for layout to
t a b l e.
e. If needed, aline linear measuring probe (para 6-6.2.16).
R e c o r d RL v a l u e.
F a c t o r y d e t e r m i n e d RL value is given on Calibration
Record Sheets provided with equipment.
is performed as a check.
f .
Key in scale of map or drawing on which measurements will be
If layout is to be drawn to a different scale than
original map or drawing, key in scale for layout.
f and a.
P r e s s ~ and d for printout in feet and inches .
i .
Press CLEAR button to clear auto-scaler.
j .
Press foot switch .
Do not release until ready to begin
k .
Position linear measuring probe so that the pricking pin is
at beginning of length to be measured.
Release foot switch.
l .
Make measurement by tracing length of line with linear
measuring probe.