TM 5-6675-325-14
(8) Place linear measuring probe and stand so that pricking pin is at
beginning mark of line.
(9) Release foot switch.
(10) Grasp probe body and roll linear measuring probe along length of line.
Stop when needle is precisely at end of line.
(11) Press foot switch.
(12) Divide digital readout on LED display by 10 to determine alined pulse
count reading, RL.
(13) Record this number.
(14) Repeat steps 6 through 13 four times.
(15) Average the five pulse count results obtained from the LED display after
each test measurement to obtain RL value.
If average RL value is not within ±0.2% of factory determined
RL value, the linear measuring probe may be defective. Repeat
alinement procedure.
Notify direct/general support maintenance for
service or-replacement. -
(16) Compare average RL value to RL value found on Calibration Records Sheet
provided with equipment.
If using preprogrammed card, Program III, manual calculation of CL is
not necessary.
(17) Use scale of map, plan, or blueprint being measured to determine CL
(calibration constant).
CL is needed to perform various measurements.
(18) Use the following equation to determine CL.
= S/RL
S = Scale, in desired units for measurements.
can be found on Calibration Records Sheet or from average of test