TM 5-6675-325-14
Tracer arm should be shortest one possible that will allow entire shape
to be measured without moving planimeter.
(6) Aline planimeter with tracer arm length selected (paragraph 5-6.2n).
(7) Record RT value.
This value to be used in step 14.
Factory determined RT value is provided on Calibration Records Sheet
provided with equipment. Alinement is performed as a check.
(8) Place planimeter near shape to be measured so that length of tracer arm
lies along imaginary line through center of shape.
(9) Set wheels so that their axles form 90 degree angle with tracer arm.
(10) Make practice trace to be sure tracer arm will cover area in one
(11) Select starting point for measurement on shape where imaginary line
crosses boundary of shape.
(12) Mark point.
(13) Set dot in lens tracing assembly over starting point.
(14) Enter into calculator horizontal and vertical scales of shape and RT
(a) Key in horizontal scale; press
(b) Key in vertical; press
(c) Key in RT value; press l .
(d) For results in square feet or square feet and acres, press and
If RT value is not entered, all results from calculator will be zero.
When results are printed, the first area given will be in square feet,
the second in acres.
(15) Clear auto-scaler by pressing CLEAR button.