TM 5-6675-318-14
(14) When TAPE CONTROL is displayed, proceed as follows:
(a) If a control site tape is being used, press the enter (E) key.
(b) If a remote site tape is being used, press the change sign (+/-)
key to display TAPE CONTROL, then press the enter (E) key.
(15) If the tape stops immediately at a site record, press the clear (C) key
and re-enter code 46 (Table 4-13). If RSET YES is displayed, change it to RSET NO
by pressing the change sign (+/-) key. This will continue the translocation process
until either DONE or END is displayed.
(16) If END is displayed, proceed to step (17). If DONE is displayed and
no more tape data is desired, rewind tape using Code 49 and proceed to next step.
If more tape data is desired, enter Code 99, display and record last pass number,
and proceed as follows:
(a) Rewind the tape by entering code 49, then remove the cassette.
T h i s c o d e i s o p e r a t i v e o n l y i n t h e o f f - l i n e m o d e . I t d o e s n o t a f f e c t c u r r e nt
position fix results. Enter code 44 to move the tape forward or backward a given
number of passes. The tape will stop after reading a site record. Code 44 must be
re-entered to continue.
When code 44 is entered, the unit asks the user how to move the tape. The + sign
means move forward. To move backward, press the +/- key to display a - sign. The
first displayed number indicates the number of passes to move.
I n i t i a l D i s p l a y
Enter the number of passes to move if desired.
Move Forward 7 Passes
Change 3 4-93