TM 5-6675-316-14
(11) Deleted.
(12) Key scale and preset factors into console if they are not to be set by tape (paragraph 3-6.3s)
If one block of tape is to be read and executed at a time, press SINGLE BLOCK
after pressing START.
(13) To start machine controller tape reader, press START on operators console.
Tape reader can be stopped at any time by pressing STOP on operators
(14) When tape has finished reading and drafting machine has stopped, press RESET on operators
r. Basic use of (machine controller) operators console. Operators console operates like terminal keyboard.
Set of two symbols, numbers, or letters is printed above each key on main keypad. Just pressing key will input
symbol, letter, or number printed to left into display. To input what is printed to right, shift (SHF) key must be
pressed first to enable right-hand functions. Shift key will stay in effect until it is pressed again. Arrows on
numeric keypad are only active if JOG is pressed. If numeric keys are pressed without pressing JOG, number
above key is input to display. Basic procedure for using console is as follows:
(1) Turn on machine controller.
(2) Press RESET.
(3) Press key on main keypad for desired function.
If you press two or more keys simultaneously, operators console will behave
erratically and you will have to start over.
(4) If JOG, VARIA, or PEN keys are pressed, operation code must be typed into display (see table 3-8 for
list of OP codes and their uses) and then CR (carriage return) pressed to activate code.
When OP code is typed into display using main keypad, it will appear in right
corner of display when first typed. If syntax is correct, i.e., if code is typed
correctly, it will move to left side of display when CR is pressed. if code is
incorrect, it will disappear when CR is pressed.
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