TM 5-6675-316-14
(7) Type in X and numeric value of X; type in Y and numeric value of Y.
(8) Press CR.
Do not type in commas. Machine will move to point, from its current location, by
moving specified number of units in each axis.
Example: Typing X1500Y1400 will cause machine to move 1500 units in current scale and from current
position in X-direction, and 1400 units in Y-direction.
u. Jogging (moving) machine with operators console.
(1) Turn on machine controller. Set machine for automatic operation (paragraph 3-6.3a).
(2) Press RESET on operators console.
(3) Press JOG on operators console.
(4) Using keys on main keypad, type into operators console code for one of four speeds shown below:
One Step Each Time Key Is Pressed
Speed selection determines how fast machine will move when one of arrow
keys is pressed. At step speed, carriage will move distance of one unit on XY
display ie., 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.).
(5) Press CR.
(6) Press arrow ( etc) key on numeric keypad corresponding to direction you want machine to move
(use one key at a time).
u.1. Mirroring with operators console.
(1) Set machine for automatic operation.
(2) Make required adjustments to tool being used. Example: Tangentially controlled device (make height
and pressure adjustments).
(3) Insert tape in tape reader and press both reset buttons, (digitizing keyboard and operators console).
(4) Press Varia key and type in scale as required.
(5) Type in MIR and press CR. Type in the axis in which you require the figure to be mirrored.
Example: X for mirroring in the X axis. Y for mirroring in the Y axis X/Y for mirroring in both axis.
(6) Press start button on operators console.
Change 1