ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
The most commonly available maps are 1:250K Joint Operations Graphics
(JOG) and 1:50K Topographic Line Maps (TLM.) Maps do not exist for all
operational areas. Generally, JOG coverage is more extensive than TLM
coverage. Larger scale maps (e.g. 1:24K) are available for some urban
IPADS automatically selects a map that encompasses its current position. If
the current position falls within more than one map, the operator has no
control over which map IPADS will display. If multiple map scales are
available for a given area, select only one scale for preparing IPADS maps.
(7) Select (click on) all data blocks you want to process. Selected blocks are denoted by a in the box in
front of the data block information. At least one data block must be selected before the Finish button is
enabled processing can be initiated.
The cursor automatically moves to the next field when a full field (e.g. two
digit grid zone) is detected. The cursor must be manually moved to the next
field, if a full field cannot be detected (e.g. single digit grid zone), by
pressing the Tab key or clicking on the next field with the mouse. Shift Tab
will return to the previous field.
IPADS Map Manager automatically generates map names to insure maps
will load into IPADS in proper order. For easier identification of maps, you
may enter a map name prefix. For proper loading, all maps for the same
operational area should have the same prefix.
(8) Enter a map name prefix for the operational area (optional.) The prefix may be 0 to 8 characters long.
Upper and lower-case alphabetic, numeric, space, dash (-), and underscore (_) characters are allowed.
To insure proper map display, boundaries for the entire operational area to
be covered should be entered. IPADS Map Manager will prepare as many
maps as are necessary to cover the area within the data available for the
selected data blocks.
The data fields for boundary coordinate entry vary with the selected
coordinate type.
input resolution is limited to the nearest 1,000 meters for UTM, and the
nearest minute for latitude and longitude (D/M/S).
IPADS Map Manager expects WGS 84 coordinates. Entry of coordinates
referenced to another datum won't significantly impact map boundaries.
(9) UTM coordinate entry:
(a) Enter the grid zone number for the southwest corner of the map area. Allowable entries are 1 to
(b) Enter the easting for the southwest corner of the map area, to the nearest 1,000 meters. Easting
values must be within the extended grid zone boundaries, which vary by latitude.
(c) Enter the northing for the southwest corner of the map area, to the nearest 1,000 meters. Northing
values must be within the boundaries of the UTM area (80S to 84N).
(d) Click on the hemisphere button for the southwest corner of the map area, "N" for northern
hemisphere (default) or "S" for southern hemisphere.
(e) Enter the grid zone number for the northeast corner of the map area. Allowable entries are 1 to 60.