6-6.2.32 Linear Measurements on Aerial Photographs of Unknown Scale or
Magnification - Continued
(14) Set calculator PRGM/RUN switch to RUN.
(15) Press following keys:
a n d lENTER\I .
Hold magnetic cards by edge.
Be sure hands
are clean.
o i l , o r o t h e r m a t e r i a l s
can damage magnetic cards.
c. Load preprogrammed magnetic card (para 6-6.2.10), Program
I V , i n t o c a l c u l a t o r .
Tape photograph to be measured to table.
e. If needed, aline linear measuring probe (para 6-6.2.16).
Record RL value.
F a c t o r y d e t e r m i n e d RL value is given on Calibration
Records Sheet provided with equipment.
is performed as a check.
f .
Press CLEAR button to clear auto-scaler.
Determine length constant, C L ( m u l t i p l i e r ) , u s i n g t he
f o l l o w i n g f o r m u l a:
= Length of constant
On aerial
magnification where
known distance between two-telephone poles, 105 feet, for D
i n f o r m u l a.
= Length of known object
= Counts generated by measuring
length of known object
photograph of unknown scale or
a t e l e p h o n e l i n e i s v i s i b l e , u s e t h e
(1) With linear measuring probe, measure the known
distance (between two telephone poles) to obtain R.
(2) The value shown on the auto-scaler LED display (5692)
can be used for R in the formula.
(3) Compute