TM 5-6675-319-14
(c) When exposure is complete, unlock and raise printer hood.
(d) Remove exposed printing material and process.
If copies of other negatives are desired , repeat step (29) for type of
negative being copied and step (39), (a) through (d).
(e) When cut-sheet printing operations are complete, proceed to step
( 4 1 ) f o r p r i n t e r s e c u r i n g o p e r a t i o n s.
( 4 1 ) R e i n s t a l l l e n s c o v e r .
(42) Turn off MASTER POWER switch.
(43) Remove negative material from printer.
Be sure printer hood is not locked. If hood is locked and MASTER POWER
switch is turned on damage to CRT will occur.
(44) Lower, but do not lock, printer hood.
( 4 5 ) P l a c e p r o t e c t i v e c o v e r o v e r p r i n t e r .
d. Masking and overscan.
The image area of the print stage is masked for two
(1) to prevent unwanted light (glare, reflection) from reaching the PMT,
thereby reducing exposure control and dodging; and (2) to minimize border enhance-
ment caused by the scanning spot projecting through the transparent border of the
n e g a t i v e.
N e i t h e r e f f o r t c a n b e t o t a l l y s u c c e s s f u l , b u t c a r e f u l m a s k i n g w i l l p r o -
duce adequate results.
Generally, one mask is sufficient and should be approxi-
mately the same density as the negative.
The mask opening must extend 1/2- 3/4 in.
(12.7-19.05 mm) outward from the image area of the negative. The mask must also
extend beyond the outer edge of raster overscan.
If desired, second mask may also be used. Second mask should be essen-
tially opaque and extend to edge of print stage. Second mask opening
must be large enough so that no part of raster is covered.
Raster overscan is required in order to prevent a black border at the left and right
edges of the print.
Some overscan is also required at the top and bottom edges
because the starting and ending lines of the raster are seldom complete. The
overscan must be at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the CRT spot. The usual
overscan is between 3/8-1/2 in. (9.53-12.7 mm).