TM 5-6675-319-14
2-10.5 Adjust Feed Tray .
83E, Photo and Layout Specialist
Photographic Paper
a .
c .
f .
Turn off DRIVE switch for processor.
Remove top cover and crossover covers.
Disconnect cable and remove detector rack assembly.
Remove squeegee and crossovers.
Verify that feed tray is square with tie rod of developer rack assembly.
Place a sheet of paper against the side guide of the feed tray, and
manually feed approximately 1 in. (25.4 mm) of paper into the unit.
Pull the leading edge of the paper up to and square with the tie rod of
t h e d e v e l o p e r r a c k.
If paper is not square with the side guide, loosen the wing nuts under
the feed tray. Square tray with edge of paper.
Tighten wing nuts.
i .
Reinstall squeegee and crossovers.
j .
Reinstall detector rack assembly and reconnect wiring.
k . R e i n s t a l l c r o s s o v e r c o v e r s a n d t o p c o v e r.