TB 1-4920-443-35
Table 37-1 TI Limit Control Indications
Temperature Indicator TI Reading
Limit Control
Tolerance Limits (3F)
Calibrator (F)
Indicator Lamp
97 to 103
In Limit
147 to 153
In Limit
177 to 183
90% Alert
197 to 203
100% Warning
(8) Depress the TI Limit Control POWER OFF switch.
(9) Access the Thermocouple Jack panel and move plug 3 to the T53/T55/T63/64 position. Ensure that
the system is in the T53/T55/T63 or T64 mode (Reference FEDS operator's manual).
(10)Connect the thermocouple calibrator to connector J20 (+) and Dyno Tank.
(11)Depress TI Limit Control POWER ON switch.
(12)Adjust the thermocouple calibrator output to the temperatures listed in the table above and verify that
the TI Limit Control Panel indications are within tolerance limits listed (refer to Table 40-1).
(13)Depress TI Limit Control POWER OFF switch.
38. Dynamometer Lube Delta Temperature
a. Performance Check (T700 Trailer)
(1) Ensure plug 4 of the Thermocouple Jack panel is in the T700 position. Ensure the system is in the
T700 mode (Reference FEDS operator's manual).
(2) Connect the thermocouple calibrator to connector J23 of the T700 Dynamometer thermocouple cable,
using type Jx thermocouple wire.
(3) A DYNAMOMETER LUBE INLET TEMPERATURE indication for ambient temperature will be
required. This can be accomplished by connecting J20 to a Type-J thermocouple.
(4) Set the TI Limit Control Dynamometer Lube Delta Temperature thumb switches to 0080.
Table 40-1 TI
Limit Control Indications T700 Trailer
Calibrator Setting
Calibrator TI Tolerance Limits TI Reading Indicator Lamp
(formula) (F)
Setting (F) (Cal. setting 3F)
Ambient +74
90% Alert
Ambient +80
100% Warning
Audible Warning
100% only
(5) Depress the TI Limit Control POWER ON switch.
(6) Observe the TI Limit Control DYNAMOMETER LUBE INLET TEMPERATURE indication for ambient
temperature. Determine the temperature value for 80 F above the indicated ambient temp.
(7) Adjust the thermocouple calibrator output for the temperature determined above (ambient +80). Verify
that the TI Limit Control indicator is between 77 and 83 F, that the "100% WARNING" indicator is lit,
and that the audible warning has sounded. Adjust potentiometer R-4 as necessary.
(8) Depress TI Limit Control POWER OFF switch.
39. Dynamometer Lube Delta Temperature.
a. Performance Check (T53/T55/T63/T64 Trailer )
(1) Access the Thermocouple Jack panel and move Plug 4 to the T53/T55/T63 position. Ensure that the
system is in the T53 or T64 mode (Reference FEDS operator's manual).
(2) Connect the calibrator to J23 of dynamometer thermocouple cable using type Jx thermocouple wire.
(3) A DYNAMOMETER LUBE INLET TEMPERATURE indication for ambient temperature will be
required. This is accomplished by installing a J-type thermocouple to the J20 connector
(4) Set the TI Limit Control DYNAMOMETER LUBE TEMPERATURE thumb switches to 0080.
(5) Depress the TI Limit Control POWER ON switch.
(6) Observe the TI Limit Control DYNAMOMETER LUBE INLET TEMPERATURE indication for ambient
temperature. Calculate the temperature value for 80 F above the ambient temperature.
(7) Adjust the thermocouple calibrator output for the temperature determined above (ambient +80). Verify
that the TI Limit Control indicator is between 77 and 83 F, that the TI Limit Control 100% WARNING