The program will test pens one through four.
I f i t i s d e s i r e d t o t e st
all eight pens, modify the test program lines 60 and 63, as follows:
From: 60:
plt 29,6,1;pen #4;lbl DIVISION
To: 60:
plt 29,6;pen #4;lbl DIVISION; gto 81
From: 63:
prt 9872A PLOT, COMPLETE; spc 2;wrt S,DF;end
To: 63:
Add the following lines at the end of the test program:
plt 4,3,1;pen #1;lbl PEN #1
plt 4,2,1;pen #2;lbl PEN #2
p l t 4 , 1 , 1 ; p e n # 3 ; l b l P E N # 3
plt 4,0,1;pen #4;lbl PEN #4
plt 29,3,1;pen #5;lbl PEN #5
plt 29,2,1;pen #6;lbl PEN #6w
plt 29,1,1;pen #7;lbl PEN #7
plt 29,0,1;pen #8;lbl PEN #8
gto 69
To make above change ldf14, make changes to lines 60 and 63, and add
additional lines to rcf 14 program.
(1) Check that LINE power switch is set to off (0).
(2) Check that voltage switches are set for 120 V ac.
(3) Flip LISTEN ONLY switch to 0 and CONFIDENCE TEST switch to I.
(4) Check that logic ADDRESS switches are set to 5 (10100).
(5) Plug in power cable.
Press LINE power switch on (0).
(6) Mount paper:
(a) Press CHART LOAD switch.
(Pen should go to upper right corner.)
(b) Raise paper stop by pressing down upper portion with screwdriver
or other pointed object.
TM 5-6675-320-14