TM 5-6675-320-14
b. Operational Test One .
Removal or replacement of ROMS when power is supplied to computer will result
in damage to computer.
The program will test pens 1-4.
I f i t i s d e s i r e d t o t e s t a l l 8 p e n s , m o d i fy
the test program, lines 60 and 63.
This program is in file 14.
From: 60:
p l t 2 9 , 6 , 1 ; p e n # 4 ; l b l D I V I S I O N
To: 60:
plt 29,6,6;pen #4;lbl DIVISION; gto 81
From: 63:
prt 9872A PLOT, COMPLETE; spc 2;wrt S,DF;end
To: 63:
Add the following lines at the end of the test program:
plt 4,3,1;pen #1;lbl PEN #1
plt 4,2,1;pen #2;lbl PEN #2
plt 4,1,1;pen #3;lbl PEN #3
plt 4,0,1;pen #4;lbl PEN #4
plt 29,3,1;pen #5;lbl PEN #5"
plt 29,2,1;pen #6;lbl PEN #6
plt 29,1,1;pen #7;lbl PEN #7
plt 29,0,1;pen #8;lbl PEN #8
gto 69
It is recommended that this modified program be stored on a blank tape for
f u t u r e u s e.