Serious injury may occur if insufficient number of personnel are used to
move these tanks.
These tanks weigh approximately 150 lbs (68 kg).
( 1 0 ) S u p p o r t t a n k a n d r e i n s t a l l m o u n t i n g b o l t s .
(11) Place silicone sealant on bolt hole covers and reinstall covers
on outside of van.
(12) Reconnect all tank plumbing.
(13) Reconnect heating element wiring (paragraph 2-16.19, steps h. and
i . ) .
(14) Reconnect thermostat wiring (paragraph 2-16.20, steps k.through
m . ) .
Open all valves previously shut.
( 2 0 ) R e f i l l t a n k ( T a b l e 2 - 1 ) .
( 2 1 ) T u r n o n c i r c u i t b r e a k e r.
2-20.7 Repair Fixer/Wash Rack and Turnaround Assemblies.
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
TOOLS: Flat Tip Screwdriver
1/4 in. Drive Socket Set
Stud Remover
Spring Hook
As Required
Always use splash guard when removing fixer rack to prevent developer tank
The following procedure is in disassembly/assembly sequence. Disassemble
the rack/turnaround assembly only as far as necessary to perform the
r e p a i r .
TM 5-6675-319-14