TM 5-6675-319-14
Remove screws and adjustable plates from side plates.
r .
Rack/turnaround assembly is now disassembled. Inspect all parts for
damage or wear.
Replace defective components as necessary.
Reinstall adjustable plates on side plates and secure with screws .
t .
Reinstall main turnaround roller between side plates with drive chain
attached to appropriate socket.
Reinstall bottom two rollers and secure to side plates with turnaround
plate assemblies and springs.
Reinstall film guide shoes and tie rods.
R e i n s t a l l t o p d r
x .
R e i n s t a l l c e n t er
studs .
y .
Reinstall remaini
ive roller and slide drive chain over drive gear.
row of rollers between drive chain and secure with
ng rollers and secure with studs.
z .
Reinstall metal and small rollers and secure with spacers, locking
plates, and screws.
Reinstall drive gear assembly, spacer assembly, springs, and secure
w i t h s c r e w s.
R e i n s t a l l t i e r o d h a n d l e .
. .
Using adjusting screws,
adjust chain tension to remove slack in chain.
V e r i f y t h a t a l l r o l l e r s r o t a t e e a s i l y w h e n d r i v e g e a r i s r o t a t e d .
Reinstall rack assembly into processor.
a f .
Reinstall crossovers, covers, and top cover.
2-20.8 Repair Developer Rack Assembly.
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
Flat Tip Screwdriver
1/4 in. Drive Socket Set
5/8 in. Combination Wrench
1/2 in. Combination Wrench
Stud Remover
Spring Hook
As Required