TM 5-6675-319-14
c .
Remove screw, lockwasher, washer, gear with woodruff key, spacer,
spring, and bearing from roller shaft on drive side plate .
d. Remove long nut from tie rod shaft on drive side plate .
Remove screws, lockwashers, washers, and bearings if required from all
roller shafts on drive side plate, noting location and size of each .
f. Remove screw from tie rod handle shaft.
g .
Remove screws from tie rod shafts on drive side plate.
Remove short nut from tie rod shaft on idle side.
i .
Remove screw, intermediate gear, and washer from idle side plate.
Remove screw, lockwasher, and gear from upper roller shaft on idle side.
k. Remove screw, lockwasher, washer, sleeve, and spring from lower roller
s h a f t.
Then remove bearings from upper and lower roller shafts.
l .
Remove three screws, three lockwashers, and three gears from upper and
l o w e r r o l l e r s h a f t s.
Then remove three bearings.
Remove screw, lockwasher, washer, and bearings if required from all
r o l l e r s h a f t s o n i d l e s i d e p l a t e .
Remove screws from remaining three tie rod shafts.
Remove screws and center film guide shoe.
Side plates are now free from rollers and tie rods. Side guide shoe is
s t i l l a t t a c h e d t o s i d e p l a t e s.
Be sure you note position of all rollers, tie rods and guide shoes before
removing side guide shoe.
When either side plate is removed, entire assem-
b l y w i l l s e p a r a t e.
p .
Remove screws and side film guide shoe.
Then remove idle and drive side
p l a t e s.
Squeegee assembly is now completely disassembled. Inspect all parts for
damage or wear.
Replace defective components as necessary.
r .
Reinstall side film guide shoe and secure with screws.
s .
Reinstall center film guide shoe and secure with screws.
t .
Reinstall all tie rods and secure with screws and nut.