TM 5-6675-319-14
j .
Remove screw, lockwasher, washer, and bearing from upper roller on idle
s i d e p l a t e.
k. Remove screw, lockwasher, washer, sleeve, and bearing from lower roller
o n i d l e s i d e p l a t e.
W h e n i d l e s i d e p l a t e i s r e m o v e d , t i e r o d a n d u p p e r a n d l o w e r r o l l er
a s s e m b l i e s w i l l b e u n a t t a c h e d .
l .
Remove remaining screws and idle side plate.
Detector crossover assembly is now disassembled. Inspect all
damage or wear.
Replace defective components as necessary.
Reinstall tie rod, upper and lower roller assemblies, and all
hardware removed in step l,on idle side plate.
parts for
screws and
Reinstall bearing, sleeve, washer,
and lockwasher on lower roller
assembly shaft and secure with screw.
Reinstall bearing, washer, and lockwasher on upper roller assembly shaft
and secure with screw.
Reinstall drive side plate and all screws and hardware removed in step
i .
r .
R e i n s t a l l n u t s o n t i e r o d s h a f t.
Reinstall bearing, sleeve, gear with woodruff key, washer, and lock-
washer on lower roller assembly shaft and secure with screw.
t .
Reinstall bearing, washer, and lockwasher on upper roller assembly shaft
and secure with screw.
Reinstall film guide shoe assembly and secure with screws.
v .
Reinstall film detector assembly and secure with screws.
Reinstall film detector crossover assembly in the processor.