TM 5-6675-319-14
2-16.4 Adjust Developer Thermometer.
MOS: 83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Bimetallic Thermometer
Death or serious injury may occur from electrical shock unless power is
t u r n e d o f f b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g.
Do not use mercury-filled thermometer to check temperature. Breakage may
result in serious mercury contamination of unit .
T u r n o f f c i r c u i t b r e a k e r .
Remove top cover from unit.
c .
R e m o v e c o n t r o l p a n e l c o v e r.
d. Remove glass cover from DEVELOPER thermometer with screwdriver.
e .
Insert bimetallic thermometer in developer solution.
f. Compare bimetallic thermometer reading with DEVELOPER thermometer
reading. If temperature varies, adjust DEVELOPER thermometer.
Hold DEVELOPER thermometer pointer stationary. Turn screw on dial face
t o t h e r i g h t t o r a i s e r e a d i n g o r l e f t t o l o w e r r e a d i n g.
Replace glass cover on thermometer.
i .
Replace top cover and control panel cover.
j .
Turn on circuit breaker.