TM 5-6675-318-14
(8) Either rotate plotter so platen faces you or, taking care not to
damage short end of cable, close up plotter to facilitate threading
cable along pen carriage arm.
(9) Thread long end around pulleys 4, 5, and 6 and from pulley 6 back
under tray to pulley 7.
( 1 0 ) R o t a t e o r o p e n p l o t t e r . T h r e a d long end around pulley 7 and through
H o o k crimped end in rocker tension arm.
( 1 1 ) Remove tape from motor pulley windings. Thread short ends of cable
around motor pulley to form five turns to right of pin and tape
across winding to secure them to pulley.
(12) Thread short end around pulleys 8 and 9. Then thread under tray
to pulley 10.
(13) Either rotate or close up plotter to facilitate threading cable
along pen carriage arm.
( a ) Thread short end around pulleys 11, 12, and 13, then back
under tray to pulley 14.
Do not crimp terminal at this point.
(b) Either rotate or open up plotter and thread cable around
p u l l e y 14.
Loop hooked end over cable stud. Pull loose cable
end to provide a snug loop fitting at stud.