TM 5-6675-316-14
(2) Mount digitizing lens or dotting microscope and adjust for viewing/marking (table 3-4, item 5, or table
3-5, item 4).
values to match drawing or map to be measured.
Using dotting microscope, locate origin (0,0) point of drawing or map.
Using fine adjustment device, secure X and Y-carriages over origin point.
Zero XY display and set for operation. Be sure to select mapping system, any scale factors, and preset
(6) Release X-and Y-carriages (paragraph 3-6.3b). Locate each point to be measured with dotting
microscope, using aiming dot in view field to precisely position tool over point. If microscope is used, point can
be marked by pressing down on microscope.
(7) When point is located and tool positioned, observe XY display to read coordinates of point.
g. Installing paper roll in teletype
(1) Remove and discard old paper roll. Remove shaft and insert shaft in new roll.
(2) Pull back and hold paper roll holder in back of paper roll well.
(3) Insert new paper roll into paper roll well by sliding roll shaft (on both sides) down slot in teletype
cabinet. Insert roll so that paper unrolls from bottom of roll.
Change 1