TM 5-6675-316-14
4-20.11 Replace Light Grid Assembly.
MOS: 41B, Topographic Instrument Repair Specialist
TOOLS: Hex Head Key Wrench Set
3/16 in. Flat Tip Screwdriver
9/64 in. Flat Tip Screwdriver
Diagonal Cutting Pliers
Soldering Iron
SUPPLIES: Light Grid Assembly
Solder (Item 23, Appendix E)
Death or serious injury may occur from electrical shock unless power cord
is unplugged before servicing equipment.
Turn power off and unplug power cord.
b. Loosen screws and remove front cover from power panel.
Retract masking assemblies into their wells by rotating knurled knobs.
d. Remove screw from end of each film roller. Remove film rollers.
Remove center accumulator roller from between vi
tabs and lifting free.
ew stages by pinching