ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
(2) Solder wires to time totalizing meter TT1
8-42. Fuseholder XF1 or XF2 Removal and Replace-
ment. Refer to figure 8-10, sheet 2, and remove and
replace fuseholder XF1 (81) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder wires from fuseholder XF1
(2) Remove nut (74) and Lockwasher (75) securing
fuseholder XF1 (81) to front panel; remove
b. Replacement.
(1) Secure fuseholder XF1 (81) to front panel with
nut (74) and lockwasher (75).
(2) Solder wires to fuseholder XF1 (81).
8-43. Capacitor C3, Rectifier CR2, Resistor R5, R6,
R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, or R12 Removal and Replace.
ment. Refer to figure 8-10, sheet 2, and remove and
replace rectifier CR2 (120) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder rectifier CR2 (120) leads
from terminals on chassis; remove rectifier
(2) Remove capacitor C3 and resistors R5, R6, R7,
R8, R9, R10, R11, and R12 using standard
shop practices.
b. Replacement.
(1) Solder rectifier CR2 (120) leads to terminals
on chassis.
(2) Replace capacitor C3 and resistors R5, R6, R7,
R8, R9, R10, R11, and R12 using standard
shop practices.
8-43.1. Tape Reader, Part No. 877406-2, Maintenance.
Tape reader maintenance consists of removal and re-
placement of the instrument case, modules, front panel
components, and chassis components. All removal and
replacement procedures require removal and replace-
ment of the instrument case which is described once
only, in paragraph 8-43.2. Where similar components
are removed and replaced by identical procedures, one
typical procedure will be given. If applicable, tag and
unsolder, or disconnect wires prior to removing compo-
nents. Before performing any maintenance, the tape
reels should be removed from the tape reader. In
addition, cleaning of the tape reader head and tapes is
8-43.2. Instrument Case Removal and Replacement.
See figure 8-10.1, sheet 1, and remove and replace
instrument case (3) as follows:
a. Removal. Press pressure valve; then remove 20
screws (1) and washers (2) securing tape reader
to instrument case (3). Remove tape reader from
instrument case.
b. Replacement. Install tape reader in instrument
case (3) and secure with 20 screws (1) and wash.
ers (2).
8-43.3 Input/Output Board A1 Removal and Replace
ment. See figure 8-10.1, sheet 2, and remove and re-
place input /output board (18) as follows:
a. Removal.
Remove four screws (4, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1),
two screws (5), and two washers (6) securing
cover (7) to front panel (28) and chassis (72) ;
remove cover.
Disconnect connector P4 (8, figure 8-10.1,
sheet 2) from connector J2 (9).
Remove two screws (10), washers (11), and
stand-offs (12) securing input /output board
(18) to logic board (38).
Remove three screws (13), Lockwashers (14),
washers (15). spacers (16), and nuts (17) secur-
ing input/out board (18) to chassis (72);
remove input /output board.
b. Replacement.
Secure input/output board (18) to chassis (72)
with three screws (13), lockwashers (14), wash-
ers (15), spacers (16) and nuts (17).
Secure input/output board (18) to logic board
(38) with two screws (10), washers (11), and
stand-offs (12).
Connect connector P4 (8) to connector J2 (9).
Secure cover (7, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1) to front
panel (28) and chassis (72) with four screws
(4), two screws (5), and two washers (6).
8-43.4. Logic Board A2 Removal and Replacement.
See figure 8-10.1, sheet 2, and remove and replace logic
board (38) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Remove input/output board (18) in accord-
ance with paragraph 8-43.3a.
(2) Tag and disconnect wires from FAST/SLOW
(3) Remove ty-rap (19) from logic board (38) con-
nectors J6 (20)and J7 (21).
(4) Disconnect cable W1 (22) connector from
logic board (38) connector J7 (21).
(5) Disconnect cable W2 (23) connector from
logic board (38) connector J6 (20).
Change 1