ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14MARINE CORPS TM 08839A-14/1Legend for figure 8-10 - Continued106. CR1Voltage regulator A7clampCapacitor C1ScrewLockwasherTerminal lug115. R4Rectifier CR2ScrewCapacitorTransistor Q1(1)(2)(3)(4)Open lamp assembly cover (5).Remove two screws (6) and washers (7) secur-ing lamp support (12); allow lamp support tohang loosely.Identify and unsolder each photocell smallcolor-coded wire from terminal board TB2(89, figure 8-10, sheet 2) terminals 1 thru 10.Remove two screws (13, figure 8-10, sheet 1)securing photocell assembly (2) to lamp sup-port; remove photocell assembly,b. Replacement.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Carefully install photocell assembly (4) onlamp support (12) and secure with two screws(13).Identify and solder each photocell color-codedwire to terminal board TB2 (89, figure 8-10,sheet 2). See tape reader schematic diagram(figure FO-19) for location of each color-codedwire on terminal board TB2.Secure lamp support (12, figure 8-10, sheet 1)with two screws (6) and washers (7). Visuallyalign lamps with photocell assembly, Positionlamp support so that clearance from lampassembly to photocell assembly is 0.035 to0.045 inch.Close lamp assembly cover (5).Perform photocell amplifier A1 bias adjust-ments in accordance with procedure in table8-8, test 5.3.8-28. Plug-In Circuit Card A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, orA7 Removal and Replacement. See figure 8-10, sheet 2,and remove and replace photocell amplifier Al (57) asfollows:a. RemovalCarefully pull photocell amplifier A1(57) out of the card cage using handle on top ofphotocell amplifier A1.When installing a plug-in circuit card,check that it is the proper card for therespective receptacle. Check that the cardis properly aligned during installation ordamage to connector or receptacle mayresult.b. Replacement.Install photocell amplifier A1 (57)in card guides and slide inward to engage connector.8-29. Servo Feedback Potentiometer R2 or R3 Re-moval and Replacement. See figure 8-10, sheet 2, andremove and replace servo feedback potentiometer R2(65) as follows:a. Removal.(1) Tag and unsolder wires from servo feedbackpotentiometer R2 (65).(2) Loosen two setscrews securing servo feedbackpotentiometer R2 shaft to sensing arm drumassembly.(3) Remove three screws (66), washers (68), lock-washers (67), and clamps (69) securing servofeedback potentiometer R2 (65) to bracketsupport; remove potentiometer R2.b. Replacement.(1)(2)(3)(4)Secure servo feedback potentiometer R2 (65)to bracket support with three screws (66),washers (68), lockwashers (67), and clamps(69). Align position of potentiometer for freemovement of bearings allowing tape sensingarm to swing parallel to the front panel.Tighten two setscrews securing servo feedbackpotentiometer R2 shaft to sensing arm drumassembly.Solder wires to potentiometer.Adjust servo feedback potentiometer R2 inaccordance with procedure in table 8-8, test 3.8-101
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