ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
(2) Solder wires to terminal board TB1 (87).
8-37. Terminal Board TB2 Removal and Replacement.
See figure 8-10, sheet 2, and remove and replace termi-
nal board TB2 (89) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder wires from terminal board
(2) Remove two nuts (92), lockwashers (91), and
washers (90) securing terminal board TB2 (89)
and insulator (88) to front panel; remove ter-
minal board and insulator,
b. Replacement.
(1) Secure terminal board TB2 (89) and insulator
(88) to front panel with two washers (90),
lockwashers (91), and nuts (92).
(2) Solder wires to terminal board TB2 (89).
8-38. Resistor R4 Removal and Replacement. See fig-
ure 8-10, sheet 2, and remove and replace resistor R4
(119) as follows:
a. Removal.
Remove voltage regulator A7 (109).
Remove two screws (44, figure 8-10, sheet 1),
lockwashers (43), and washers (42), and two
screws (40), lockwashers (49), washers (48),
and nuts (50) securing end plate (41) to chas-
sis; remove end plate.
Remove two screws (115, figure 8-10, sheet 2),
lockwashers (117), washers (116), and nuts
(118) securing resistor R4 (119) to chassis;
remove resistor and tag and unsolder wires.
b. Replacement.
(1) Solder wires to resistor R4 (119),
(2) Secure resistor R4 (119) to chassis with two
screws (115), lockwashers (117), washers (116),
and nuts (118).
(3) Secure end plate (41, figure 8-10, sheet 1) to
chassis with two screws (44), lockwashers (43),
and washers (42), and two screws (40), lock-
washers (49), washers (48), and nuts (50).
(4) Install voltage regulator A7 (109, figure 8-10,
8-39. Rectifier CR1 Removal and Replacement. See
figure 8-10, sheet 2, and remove and replace rectifier
CR1 (108) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder wires from rectifier CR1
Remove voltage regulator A7 (109),
Remove two screws (44, figure 8-10,
lockwashers (43), and washers (42).
sheet 1),
and two
screws (40), lockwashers (49), washers (48),
and nuts (50) securing end plate (41) to chas-
sis; remove end plate.
Remove two screws (105, figure 8-10, sheet 2),
lockwashers (106), washers (107), and nuts
(104) securing rectifier CR1 (108) to chassis;
remove rectifier CR1.
b. Replacement.
Secure rectifier CR1 (108) to chassis with two
screws (105), lockwasher (106), washer (107),
and nuts (104).
Secure end plate (41, figure 8-10, sheet 1) to
chassis with two screws (44), lockwashers (43),
and washers (42), and two screws (40), lock-
washers (49), washers (48), and nuts (50).
Install voltage regulator A7 (109, figure 8-10,
sheet 2).
Solder wires to rectifier CR1 (108).
8-40. Switch S1 Removal and Replacement. See figure
8-10, sheet 2, and remove and replace switch S1 (61) as
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder wires from switch S1 (61).
(2) Remove nut (79), plate (77), and lockwasher
(78) securing switch S1 (61) to front panel;
remove switch S1.
b. Replacement.
(1) Secure switch S1 (61) to front panel with nut
(79), plate (77), and lockwasher (78).
(2) Solder wires to switch S1 (61).
8-41. Time Totalizing Meter TTl Removal and Re-
placement. See figure 8-10, sheet 2 and remove and
replace time totalizing meter TTl (73) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Tag and unsolder wires from time totalizing
meter TTl (73).
(2) Remove two screws (76), lockwashers (72), and
nuts (71) securing time totalizing meter TTl
(73) to front panel; remove time totalizing
b. Replacement.
Secure time totalizing meter TTl (73) to front
panel with two screws (76), lockwashers (72),
and nuts (71).