TM 5-3610-285-14
Close processor wash drain valve.
Turn RECYCLING valve to tank position.
Turn on water supply to processor at WATER SUPPLY valve.
Set recirculation tank thermostat to 750F, if necessary.
Replace top cover to actuate safety interlock switch.
Turn ON processor circuit breaker.
Turn on all switches on front control panel of processor.
The HEATER and SUMP PUMP switches must be ON during manual or automatic modes of operation. The
RECYCLING valve must never be off during operation, or processor will overflow. The RECIRC PUMP must be
ON during automatic mode, and OFF during manual mode of operation.
Turn ON HEATER and SUMP PUMP switches.
If selecting manual mode, turn RECYCLING valve to drain position and turn WATER SUPPLY valve and
Feed cleanup sheets through processor to clean rollers and to make sure replenishment system is
Check operation of racks, squeegee assembly, and dryer transport. Check crossover mountings.
Processor should be at desired temperature in about 20 minutes, depending on starting water temperature.
Check that developer temperature indicator light flashes slowly on and off to indicate developer is at proper
Set DRYER TEMPERATURE control to lowest setting consistent with good drying characteristics.
Check transport speed.
Process and evaluate appropriate control strip.
Begin processing material, emulsion'side up.