TM 5-3610-253-14
i. Backgauge brake. Provides almost instant stopping (within 1/100th of a
second) of the pulley that is driven by the backgauge motor.
The backgauge brake is mounted on the back of the table. The V-belt pulley is con-
nected to the table spindle by means of a key. The magnet with brake linings is
elastically fixed to the brake housing. The backgauge brake is controlled by the
backgauge control knob. With the paper cutter fully activated, the magnet is ener-
gized and pulls the brake linings against the pulley. This immediately stops pulley
rotation. The magnet is de-energized whenever the backgauge control knob is used.
The springs pull the magnet and brake linings away from the pulley, allowing
Electronics enclosure. Contains all controlling PC cards of the machine
except the main distribution card HP.
The PC card enclosure is comprised of: