TM 5-3610-253-14
The primary winding has tap connections for 180, 200, 220, and 240 V. The taps on
the secondary windings provide voltages of 12.5, 6.2, 5.8, 9.5, 7.2, 6.5, 25, 32,
42, 50, and 220. Total power output of transformer is 500 W. The control
transformer supplies power to other components in the system via a standard
control (ST) PC in the electronics enclosure.
(3) Control power on relay
(d304). Coupled with the control power on switch
(d292), the control power on relay
controls the application of power to the control
power on switch energizes the relay, which closes
its N.O. contacts and allows power
to flow to one side of the control transformer.
c. Operating switches. Provide operator control of the system. There are
six operating type switches:
(1) Main power switch. Primary power switch. A three-pole direct switch
that applies power to the main drive motor, fluorescent lamp switch, contractors con-
trolling the backgauge motor, and the control power on switch.
(2) Control power on switch. Energizes the light barrier and the PC cards
in the electronics enclosure via the control power on relay. Activation of the PC
cards enables operation of the hydraulic system solenoids. Power cannot be applied
to the control power on switch unless the main power switch is closed.
(3) Cutting buttons. Controls the knife, via the hydraulic system. Pressing
both buttons within 0.5 seconds applies power to the contractors and relays con-
trolling operation of solenoids in the hydraulic system control block.