ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
H-10. Map Management Continued
(3) Export Drive Selection. IPADS Map Manager allows the operator to select an export drive from a list
of available drives. The drive IPADS Map Manager is installed on will be excluded from the selection
list. Drives with insufficient capacity to support an IPADS Map Library (e.g. floppy drives) may be
excluded from the selection list. When a drive containing a writable media is selected from the list, it
will be enabled and selected for display. It will remain enabled for selection when a different
destination is subsequently selected.
(4) Map Library Folder. IPADS Map Manager automatically creates a \IPADS Map Library\ folder in the
root directory of a selected export drive if it doesn't already exist.
(5) Destination Map List. When a map destination is selected, IPADS Map Manager displays a list of map
names available in the destination without file extensions. Only a single map name for a map image
file and map text file pair will be displayed. A method will be provided to access any map name in the
list when the number of map names in the list exceeds the visible display area.
(6) Destination Map Name Selection. IPADS Map Manager allows the operator to select one or more map
names on the destination map list using standard WindowsTM operations.
(7) Selected Destination Map Indication. IPADS Map Manager shows the number of maps selected and
the total number of maps in the destination map list.
(8) Destination Free space. IPADS Map Manager shows the available free space in the selected
destination in terms of number of maps. An estimated map image file size of 64MB may be used to
calculate the number of maps the free space can accommodate.
Copying. IPADS Map Manager allows the operator to copy maps from a source to a destination.
(1) Copy Enablement. Copying will not be enabled until one or more source maps have been selected and
a destination has been selected. Copying will not be enabled if the map source and destination are the
(2) Copy Initiation. When copying is enabled, IPADS Map Manager permits the operator to initiate
copying (with one action) of the text and image files for all selected source maps to the selected
(3) File Extensions. Map text files will be copied to all destinations with the .txt file extension in the file
name. Map image files will be copied to IPADS and the IPADS Emulator with no file extension in the
file name (i.e. the map name only). Map image files will be copied to IPADS Map Libraries on the
host PC or export drives with the .bmp file extension in the file name.
(4) Copy Status. After the operation has initiated copying, IPADS Map Manager will display the status of
copying maps.
(5) Copy Completion. After completing map file copying, IPADS Map Manager indicates successful
copying and updates the displayed list of destination maps and available destination free space.
(6) Free Space. Before copying a map, PADS Map Manager determines whether the destination has
sufficient free space to contain both the map image and text files. If there is insufficient free space,
IPADS Map Manager displays an error message requiring operator acknowledgement and discontinues
d. Deletion. IPADS Map Manager allows the operator to delete map files from the source or destination.
(1) Deletion Enablement. The delete function will not be enabled until on one or more source or
destination maps have been selected and the source or destination drive is write enabled.
(2) Deletion Initiation. When deletion is enabled, IPADS Map Manager permits the operator to initiate
deletion (with one action) of the text and image files for all selected source or destination maps. When
deletion is initiated, MM displays a confirmation message requiring the operator to continue with or
cancel the delete action. When continuation is selected, MM deletes both the image and text file
associated with each selected map name. MM protects against deletion of destination maps when
deletion of source maps is initiated and vice versa.