ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
(4) Enter user-defined ellipsoid and datum.
Perform the following steps to enter user defined ellipsoid and datum parameters:
If the selected ellipsoid is user defined, ellipsoid parameters and function key
legends F3-FLAT, F4-MINOR also will be displayed.
If the selected datum is user defined, datum shifts also will be displayed.
(a) Scroll to ELLIPSOID/DATUM on MENU and press ENTER. ELLIPSOID & DATUM page is
displayed, showing current ellipsoid and datum. Cursor box is on ELLIP field. Function key line
shows F9-EXIT.
(b) Function key line shows F9-EXIT.
(c) Press ENTER to initiate ellipsoid change. ELLIPSOID page is displayed with a partial list of
available ellipsoids. Function key line shows F9-CANCEL.
(d) Scroll to USER DEFINED 1 or USER DEFINED 2, as desired, on second page and press
ENTER. DATUM page is displayed listing USER DEFINED 1 and USER DEFINED 2.
Function key line shows F9-CANCEL.
(e) Scroll to USER DEFINED 1 or USER DEFINED 2, as desired, and press ENTER. ELLIPSOID
& DATUM page is displayed with new selections. Function key line shows F2-USE ALL,
(f) Second ellipsoid parameter can be entered as semi-minor axis or inverse flattening (i/f). Current
selection is displayed next to FLAT/MINOR. Press F3 to enter inverse flattening or F4 for semi-
minor axis.
(g) Scroll to MAJOR field and enter semi-major axis value in meters.
(h) Scroll to FLAT or MINOR field and enter inverse flattening value in meters or semi-minor axis
value in meters.
(i) Scroll to X-SHIFT field and enter x-axis datum shift value in meters.
(j) Scroll to Y-SHIFT field and enter y-axis datum shift value in meters.
(k) Scroll to Z-SHIFT field and enter z-axis datum shift value in meters.
(l) Verify entered parameters are correct. Scroll to an erroneous parameter and enter it or press F9 to
cancel and retain current settings.
(m) If all parameters are correct, press F2. INFO: SYSTEM ELLIPSOID AND DATUM HAVE
BEEN SET is displayed with function key line F3-FLAT, F4-MINOR, and F9-EXIT.
(n) Press F9 to exit ELLIPSOID & DATUM page.