TM 9-4931-436-14&P
*(8) Verify that highest number
indicated by upper or lower displays
is 11. If display is incorrect, test
step 4.
(9) Set Ml6/M60 display selection
switch in M60 position. Illuminate
with four (4) words of MILES code 27.
*(10) Verify that left display
indicates 3 l and that upper display
indicates 8 l.
If displays are
incorrect, teat in accordance with
and 10, as appropriate.
(11) Repeat step 5 for right and
left edges of the target face.
*(12) Verify that highest number
indicated by right or left display is 3.
If display is incorrect, teat according
or 10.
(13) Repeat step 5 for upper and
lower edges of target face.
*(14) Verify that highest number in-
dicated by upper or lower display is 13.
If display is incorrect, teat in accord-
4, 8, 9, or 10, as appropriate.
(15) Press POWER OFF pushbutton
g. Power Saving Feature. Perform
Figure 7-3.
the following a steps :
Sample Target Position
(1) Install three (3) fresh BA-
200/U or BA-3200/U batteries.
(2) Press POWER ON pushbutton and
indicates 7 l. If displays are in-
observe "18,18,18,18" on displays.
correct , test in accordance with
(3) Record time.
(4) Allow unit to remain
undisturbed .
(Incorrect responses are
*(5) Verify that system shuts off
automatically within 24 3 minutes (dis-
slowly past left and right edges of
play goes blank). If system does not
target face, while repeatedly firing
shut off, teat in accordance with
bursts of MILES code 27.
*(6) Verify that highest number
*(6) Verify that unit comes back on
indicated by right or left display is
by pressing POWER ON pushbutton and that
11. If display is incorrect, test in
"18,18,18,18" appears on displays. If
displays do not appear, test fixture in
steps 4, 6, and 7, as appropriate.
(7) Repeat step 5 for upper and
step 3.
lower edges of target face.
(7) Press POWER OFF pushbutton.