TM 9-1290-357-15
(3) In the absence of a welding or cutting
7-6. Destruction of the Aiming
Circle, M1
torch, place the aiming circle M1, w/e on a pile
a. Method No. 1--By Mechanical Means.
of combustible materiel. Pour gasoline or oil over
(1) Remove the aiming circle M1 and tri-
the combustible materiel and over the aiming
pod from their carrying case.
circle M1 and tripod. Ignite and take cover. A
hot fire is required to render the materiel useless.
(2) Using an axe, pick mattock, sledge, or
other heavy implement, destroy the aiming circle
Caution: When igniting gasoline, due consid-
M1 and tripod by smashing the main housing,
eration should be given to the highly flammable
optical elements, legs, adjusting screws, and con-
nature of gasoline and its vapor. Carelessness in
trols. Elapsed time: about 3 minutes.
its use may result in painful burns. Elapsed
time: about 2 minutes.
b. Method No. 2--By Burning.
(1) Remove the aiming circle M1 and tri-
c. Method No. 3--By Disposal. Bury the aim-
pod from their carrying case.
ing circle M1 and tripled in a suitable hole or
throw them into a stream. Elapsed time: about 3
(2) Using a welding or cutting torch, burn
the main housing, legs, adjusting screws, and
controls. Elapsed time: about 3 minutes.