6-6.2.32 Linear Measurements on Aerial Photographs of Unknown Scale or
Magnification - Continued
( 4 ) R e s u l t i s 0 . 0 2.
p r e s s [RI and @ to display six
decimal places, 0.018447 = CL.
( 5 ) P r e s s r=l to activate Print command.
h. Key in CL value (computed with known length of object in
photograph being measured).
i .
Press foot switch.
Do not release until ready to begin
j .
Position linear measuring probe so that pricking pin is at
beginning of length to be measured. Release foot switch.
k .
Make measurement by tracing length of line with linear
measuring probe.
l .
P r e s s PRINTX to activate PRINT command and freeze count.
6-6.2.33 Area Measurements on Aerial Photographs of Unknown Scale or
Magnification. To make area measurements of aerial photographs, there
must be a known length of an object.
This known factor must be used to
compute constants needed for measurements.
a. Assemble QPS with planimeter.
Activate QPS:
(1) Plug foot switch into ACCU input jack on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r .
(2) Plug planimeter into E2 e n c o d e r s o c k e t o n b a c k p a n el
o f a u t o - s c a l e r.
(3) Plug power transformer cable into POWER supply jack on
back panel of auto-scaler.
( 4 ) P l u g p o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r c a b l e i n t o w a l l o u t l e t.
(5) Plug power cord into back of calculator.
( 6 ) P l u g p o w e r c o r d i n t o w a l l o u t l e t .
(7) Set encoder OFF/E2 / E1 switch on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r t o E2 .