2-14.2 Replace Grid Intensity Control Potentiometer - Continued
a .
b .
c .
d .
e .
f .
Unplug power cord before servicing the split-stage
l i g h t t a b l e .
Failure to do so may result in death
o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y .
Turn power OFF, and unplug power cord.
Remove four socket-head screws , and move cover to expose rear
of lamp control box.
Loosen two socket-head screws, and remove control knob.
Wiring is connected to cover and switches.
Remove bezel nut.
Tag wires and desolder from potentiometer.
Withdraw grid intensity control potentiometer and lock-tooth
washer from rear of control box.
a . S o l d e r w i r e s t o n e w g r i d i n t e n s i t y c o n t r o l p o t e n t i o m e n t e r .
Remove tags.
b .
Install potentiometer and lock-tooth washer and secure with
bezel nut.
c. Reinstall control knob and tighten two socket-head screws.
Make sure that wires are not loose , crossed, or
disconnected before securing cover . Green
(ground) wire is connected to cover screws.
d .
Reinstall cover on lamp control box, and secure with four
socket-head screws.
Plug in power cord, and turn power ON.