TM 5-6675-325-14
(7) Determine
length constant, CL (multiplier), using the following formula:
= Length of constant
= Length
R = Counts
of known object
generated by measuring length of known
On aerial photograph of unknown scale or magnification where a telephone
line is visible, use the known distance between two telephone poles, 105
feet, for D in formula.
(1) With linear measuring probe, measure the known distance (between
two telephone poles) to obtain R.
(2) The value shown on the auto-scaler LED display (5692) can be used
for R in the formula
(9) Press foot switch.
Do not release until ready to begin measurement.
(10) Position linear measuring probe so that pricking pin is at beginning of
length to be measured. Release foot switch.
(11) Make measurement by tracing length of line with linear measuring probe.
to activate PRINT command and freeze count.
Area measurements on aerial photographs of unknown scale or magnification.
To make area measurements of aerial photographs, there must be a known length of an
This known factor must be used to compute constants needed for
m e a s u r e m e n t s .
(1) Assemble QPS with planimeter.
(2) Activate QPS:
(a) Plug foot switch into ACCU input jack on back panel of auto-scaler.
(b) Plug planimeter into E2 encoder socket on back panel of auto-scaler.